Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Pasta with Vegan Alfredo Sauce

Here is filling, healthy and yummy vegan Alfredo sauce with pasta and variety of sauteed vegetables. Here you can basically use any choice of pasta and any single/mix of vegetables as you like. This sauce tastes good with almost anything.

Serving size: 3


1 cup raw cashews
2.5 cup water
2 tbs all purpose flour
1.5 tsp garlic powder/ fresh garlic
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbs olive oil
1 tsp dried basil/fresh basil

Combine cashews and 1 cup of water with flour, salt, garlic and oil. and blend it to smooth paste. Add remaining water and blend until all even. Pour the mixture in a pan, cook it on medium flame and bring it to boil. Make sure to stir in between to avoid forming lumps. Once boiling, turn off the stove and add basil. Serve with your choice of pasta and veggies. Enjoy while warm.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tahini salad dressing

This is our house favorite dressing. With just a right amount of tangy taste and creamy texture, this salad brings mouthful of fresh, crisp goodness with every bite. It is not only easy and quick to fix but filling too :) Mix it with your favorite veggies and enjoy without guilt. I found it best to be paired with baby spinach though.

Serving size: 2

2 tbs tahini sauce (make sure to buy a good brand or make your own at home from sesame seeds)
2 tbs EVOO (Extra Vergin Olive oil) ( select light in the flavor to keep tahini as a main flavor or you can use VOO )
3.5 tbs fresh lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper powder

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and make an even paste. Add in mixture of salad veggies of your likes and mix well. We like it with baby spinach, cherry tomato and cucumber. But you can basically add in whatever you like. Serve immediately with main course or just as it is :)